What We Do

We'll help you create pet housing programs in your community.

Keeping families together
through crisis.

Pet owners experiencing domestic violence or homelessness often struggle to access shelter and other services. Some may even refuse lifesaving care if it means they must leave their pets behind.

Greater Good Charities and RedRover believe that pets are family, and that no one should have to choose between family and safety. In 2019, these shared values led to the creation of Don’t Forget the Pets, a collaborative project dedicated to helping people and pets stay together through crisis.

Today, Don’t Forget the Pets provides support to organizations throughout the country, giving them the tools they need to build pet housing programs in their communities.

Pets & Domestic Violence

Every year, more than 10 million people in the United States are physically abused by an intimate partner – and this abuse affects pets, too. 

65% of domestic violence survivors report having a pet, but nearly half delay or avoid leaving abusers out of concern for their pets’ safety. Many survivors of domestic violence have also reported living in their cars with their pets rather than leaving them behind. 

Domestic violence shelters provide a safe and secure place to recover from trauma, but many do not allow pets. The result? Survivors delay or avoid leaving abusers rather than leave a pet behind. 

Pets & Homelessness

Hundreds of thousands of Americans experience homelessness every year. For many, their greatest source of comfort and unconditional love is their pet.

Pets provide companionship, a sense of safety, and promote stronger feelings of self-worth. This social support can improve both the physical and mental health of their owners.

Despite persistent misconceptions, the pets of people experiencing homelessness are typically well loved and well cared for. Still, many pet-owning individuals and families continue to face limited access to shelter, services, and housing.

Our Impact


Workshops & Events


People Trained


Organizations Coached